After spending a considerable amount of time outside, the cat is all cuddles and purrs for being indoors once more.

A cat is all snuggles and purrs for being indoors again after having lived outside for quite some time. Mr. Waffles the catFriends for Life Rescue NetworkA 10-year-old cat was brought into Orange County Animal Care, rough around the edges and in need of a lot of TL…

Cat Found as a Stray Demands Attention Right Away and Even Starts Helping Other Cats

A cat who was picked up as a stray, immediately wants attention from people and even starts helping other cats. Arlo the cat@bestfriendsfelinesWhen Best Friends Felines was notified about a cat needing urgent rescue, they sprang into action. The cat with heterochro…

A stray cat meets kind people, has kittens in their home a few days later, and decides she’s had enough of the streets.

A stray cat met nice people, had kittens in their house days later and decided she was done with the streets. @saltyanimalrescueKarly Saltarski, cofounder of Salty Animal Rescue, was notified about a pregnant street cat needing a safe haven. The gentleman who was f…

Cat is overjoyed to be indoors, and he greets everyone around him

A cat was so happy to be indoors. His face lit up, and he started greeting everyone around him. Tobias the cat@comrescuemontrealStefany and her mother, Johanne, have been assisting street cats in their neighborhood, getting them fixed and helping them find good hom…